Holomua has a new website

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Seeking SCC (School Community Council) Nominees for Parent and Community Members

Come and be a part of the School Community Council (SCC). The SCC consist of various members representing different role groups within the school’s community.  We have representatives from the teachers, classified staff, administration, students, school community members, & parents.  The purpose of the Holomua Navigators is to uphold the vision of Holomua Elementary School and to focus on what is best for the education of the students.  The Navigators, currently, meet on one Thursday each quarter from 2:30-3:30 pm (ending time varies). 

In this election, we are seeking nominations for one parent (2-year term- alternate 1st year, then member 2nd year), one community member, and one community alternate member.  Parent members must be primary caregivers (parents/guardians) of Holomua Students. Community members must be from a business or organization that is located in the Holomua district or works with the school and have a vested interest in the success of the students and the school.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please email shari.reilly@k12.hi.us with the name and contact information for the nominee.  A virtual election will be held if we have multiple candidates nominated. ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2020.